
Colgate-Palmolive Company私隱政策草


Colgate-Palmolive Company尊重您的私隱並重視與您的關係。因此,我們以負責的態度處理您的個人資料,希望您熟悉我們如何收集、使用及披露您的資料。本私隱政策介紹我們透過以下途徑收集您的資料(如下文所定義)的做法:

  • 於我們所營運且您可在此查閱本私隱政策的網站上(「網站」),
  • 透過我們所提供用於或透過電腦及流動裝置使用的軟件應用程式(我們的「應用程式」),
  • 於提供有本私隱政策連結的社交媒體頁面及應用程式上(統稱為我們的「社交媒體頁面」),
  • 從我們發出有本私隱政策連結的HTML格式電郵訊息,及
  • 於我們與您的線下互動。







  • 姓名
  • 郵寄地址(包括賬單及送貨地址)
  • 電話號碼
  • 電郵地址 
  • 信用卡及記帳卡號碼
  • 您的個人資料圖片或其他圖片
  • 社交媒體帳戶ID 
  • 與您的不利事件有關的資料
  • 與您相關的其他資料,例如年齡、國家或您的寵物的名字 
  • 您的興趣(例如您所請求資料的主題或表示興趣的其他方面)







  • 當您透過電話下單、聯絡消費者事務部或透過任何其他查詢渠道與我們聯絡時;
  • 當您在展會上參觀我們的攤位或參觀我們的設施 時;
  • 當您參加我們的計劃或活動或在業界活動中提供資料時;
  • 當您參加線下抽獎或促銷活動時;
  • 當您或您的代表報告與我們的某個產品有關的不利事件時。



  • 公開可用的數據庫及來源;
  • 數據公司;
  • 聯合市場推廣夥伴;
  • 向我們報告產品不利事件的第三方。








  • 向您提供服務,例如為您安排存取透過我們開立的帳戶。
  • 當您透過我們的線上聯絡表單、電話或其他方式與我們聯絡時(例如,當您向我們發送問題、建議、讚揚或投訴時),回覆您的問題並滿足您的要求。
  •     若您選擇分享個人資料,例如關於您的皮膚或口腔健康,我們將根據當時向您作出的通知並在您的同意下使用有關資料。
  • 向您發送管理資料,例如我們的條款、細則及政策的變更。
  • 讓您有機會透過轉介或「發送給好友」功能將訊息發送給其他人。
  • 促進社交分享功能(若您選擇使用此類功能)。
  • 為您提供客戶服務。


  •  向您發送有關市場推廣的電郵,以及有關我們的服務、產品及其他有關我們的最新動態的資料。


  • 分析或預測您的偏好,以便編製關於如何使用我們的數碼內容的匯總趨勢報告。
  • 為更好地了解您,以便我們可以將與您的互動個人化,並為您提供量身定制與您興趣相符的資料及/或優惠。
  • 為更好地了解您的偏好,從而讓我們能夠透過我們的服務提供我們認為適合您且您會感興趣的內容。


  • 我們可能會為您提供參加抽獎、比賽或其他推廣活動的機會。
  • 當中一些促銷活動設有其他規則,當中包含相關資料,說明我們將如何使用及披露您的個人資料。

    讓您有機會參加高露潔燦爛笑容,明亮未來(Bright Smiles, Bright Futures®)計劃。

  • 管理該計劃。
  • 確保正確地使用樣本。


  • 我們可能會對個人資料進行匯總及/或匿名處理,以使其不再被視為個人資料。為產生供我們使用的其他資料,而我們可能會出於任何目的使用及披露相關資料。


  • 以便進行審計、以驗證我們的內部流程是否按預期運作,並符合法律、監管或合約要求。
  • 出於欺詐及安全監控目的,例如偵測並防止網路攻擊或企圖進行的身份盜用。
  • 用於開發新產品及服務。
  • 用於完善、改進或修改我們當前的產品及服務。
  • 管理及報告與我們產品有關的不利事件報告。
  • 為識別使用趨勢,例如了解用戶對我們的服務的哪些部分最感興趣。
  • 為確定我們的宣傳活動的成效,以便我們能夠因應用戶的需求及興趣,對我們的宣傳活動作出調整。
  • 用於經營及擴大我們的業務活動。





  • 您的首選語言
  • 專業履歷及學歷資料
  • Webstore帳戶及ID
  • 有關您的執照、專業、關聯機構、出版物、證書及其他成就相關的資料
  • 與您使用及購買我們產品、您與我們的互動以及為您提供服務的人提供的服務相關的資料



  • 就相關服務付款或報銷費用。
  • 協助規劃與我們的業務或會議有關的差旅。
  • 為您提供您所要求的產品及樣品。
  • 確定並邀請專業人士參與,成為科學專家或專業領導者。
  • 執行處理我們與專業人士關係的合約條款及細則。


  • 透過數碼或其他方式,並根據您的專業知識及意見與您進行交流。
  • 邀請您參與專業計劃/專家組。
  • 與您接觸以利用您的專業知識,例如,邀請您協助有關我們或聯屬公司提供的產品或服務的調查。
  • 就相關活動、出版物或諮詢會議與您合作。
  • 尋求您對我們、聯屬公司或業務合作夥伴為促進發展及改進目的所推廣的產品及服務的看法。


  • 在這些情況下,我們可能會以其他方式使用專業人士的個人資料,如特別計劃、活動、事件或促銷活動等章節所披露。


  • 我們為專業人士提供建立網上商店的機會,以幫助他們提供最佳的患者服務及獲取我們的產品的便捷渠道。


  • 遵守反貪污及透明度義務。
  • 追蹤及回應關注事項,並履行我們的監管及報告義務,包括與產品投訴、產品/患者安全及背景審查有關的義務。
  • 更好地了解我們的產品及服務如何影響專業人士及其患者。





  • 完成您與我們的交易。


  • 遵守反貪污及透明度義務。
  • 追蹤及回應關注事項,並履行我們的監管及報告義務,包括與產品投訴,產品/患者安全及背景審查有關的義務。
  • 更好地了解我們的產品及服務如何影響專業人士及其所照護的人士。


  • 遵守反貪污及透明度義務。
  • 追蹤及回應關注事項,並履行我們的監管及報告義務,包括與產品投訴、產品/患者安全及背景審查有關的義務。
  • 更好地了解我們的產品及服務如何影響專業人士及其所照護的人士。





  • 您可 在此處查閱我們附屬公司或聯屬公司的名單及地址
  • 已收集您的個人資料的Colgate-Palmolive的附屬公司或聯屬公司將負責轉移及使用您的個人資料。


  • 當中包括網站託管、資料分析、支付處理、訂單執行、資訊科技及相關基礎設施提供、客戶服務、電郵傳送、審計及其他服務的服務供應商。



  • 就提供我們的專業服務而向與我們就特定產品或服務展開合作的其他公司披露個人資料。 


  • 透過使用服務,您亦可選擇披露個人資料。 
  • 您可於留言板、聊天、個人資料頁面、博客以及您可以發佈資料及內容的其他服務(包括但不限於我們的社交媒體頁面)上披露個人資料。請注意,您透過這些服務發佈或披露的任何個人資料將會公開,並可能供其他用戶及公眾查看。
  • 您亦可透過您的社交分享活動披露個人資料。當您將您的服務帳戶與社交媒體帳戶連結時,您可能會與您的社交媒體帳戶相關聯的好友、其他用戶以及社交媒體帳戶供應商分享資料。您藉此授權我們促進資料分享,並且您亦明白,分享資料的使用將受社交媒體供應商私隱政策的規管。











  • 瀏覽器及裝置資料
  • 應用程式使用資料
  • 透過cookie、像素標籤及其他技術收集的資料
  • 您提供的不會揭示您的具體身份的人口統計及其他資料 
  • 以不會再揭示您的具體身份的方式已經匯總的資料





  • 若干資料會被大部分瀏覽器或自動透過您的裝置收集,如,您的媒體存取控制(MAC)地址、電腦類型(Windows或Mac)、螢幕解像度、操作系統名稱及版本、裝置製造商及型號、語言、網際網路瀏覽器類型及版本以及您正使用的服務的名稱及版本(如,應用程式)。


  • 當您下載及使用應用程式時,我們和服務供應商可能會根據您的裝置編號追蹤及收集應用程式使用資料,如,您的裝置上的應用程式存取我們的服務的日期和時間、已下載到應用程式的資料和文件。


  • Cookie是直接存儲在您使用的電腦上的資料。Cookie讓我們能夠收集諸如瀏覽器類型、花費在服務的時間、瀏覽的頁面、轉介的網站及其他流量數據等資料。若要了解關於cookie的更多資訊,請參閱我們的Cookie政策 我們目前不會響應瀏覽器的切勿追蹤訊號。如果您不希望我們透過使用cookie收集您的資料,大部分的瀏覽器能讓您拒絕cookie或者選擇拒絕或接受來自特定網站的特定cookie。您也可參考http://www.allaboutcookies.org了解更多。但是,如果您不接受cookie,您在使用服務時可能會遇到不便。您也將無法收到我們發出的與您的興趣或需求有關的廣告或其他優惠。


  • 像素標籤(亦稱網站信標和網路信標)可用於(其中包括)追蹤服務用戶(包括電郵接收者)的操作、評估我們的推廣活動的表現及編製關於服務使用及響應率的統計資料。


  • 我們使用Google Analytics,該工具使用cookie及類似技術收集和分析關於服務使用的資料並產生活動及趨勢報告。該服務亦可能收集關於其他網站、應用程式及線上資源的使用的資料。您可瀏覽,了解Google的做法,或者下載位於的Google Analytics選擇退出瀏覽器附加元件,退出使用這些服務。

    使用Adobe Flash技術(包括Flash本地分享對象(「Flash LSOs))及其他類似技術 

  • 我們可能會使用Flash LSO和其他類似技術(除其他操作外)收集和儲存關於您對服務的使用的資料。如果您不希望在您的電腦儲存Flash LSO,您可調整您的Flash Player設定,利用網站儲存設定面板內的工具阻止儲存Flash LSO。您還可進入全域儲存設定面板,按照相關提示操作。請注意,將Flash Player設為限制接受Flash LSO可能會削減或影響部分Flash應用程式的功能。


  • 您的IP地址由您的網際網路服務供應商自動分配給您的電腦。當用戶使用服務時,IP地址可能會自動(連同存取時間和存取的頁面)在我們的服務日誌文件獲識別及記錄。收集IP地址是標準慣例,許多網站、應用程式和其他服務都自動執行該操作。我們為計算使用水平、診斷伺服器問題及管理服務等目的使用IP地址。我們還可能透過您的IP地址獲得您的大致位置。


  • 我們可能會透過例如使用衛星、手機信號塔或Wi-Fi訊號收集您的裝置的地理位置資訊。我們可以使用您的裝置的地理位置為您提供個人化的基於位置的服務和內容。在某些情況下,您可以允許或拒絕這些對您的裝置位置的使用,但如果您拒絕,我們可能無法為您提供適用的個人化服務和內容。









    接收我們的電子通訊:如果您不想再接收來自我們的推廣相關電郵、文本訊息或短信,您可按照該等訊息所載的指示操作或聯絡 消費者事務部選擇退出。






  • 如果您要查看、更正、更新、封鎖、限制或刪除您先前向我們提供的個人資料,反對處理您的資料,或者請求接收您的個人資料的電子副本,以便發送至其他公司(在適用法律為您提供該資料遷移權利的範圍內),您可透過聯絡消費者事務部聯絡我們。我們會在遵循適用法律的前提下響應您的請求。 






  • 我們向您提供的服務時長(例如,您持有我們帳戶或持續使用服務的期間);
  • 我們與您持續保持關係的期間;
  • 我們是否有需要履行的法律義務(例如,若干法律規定,我們必須將您的交易記錄保留特定的時段,然後才能刪除);及 
  • 保留該等資料對我們的法律立場而言是否適宜(例如,關於適用的限制法規、訴訟、政府調查或監管考慮)。















我們可使用第三方支付服務處理透過本服務進行的付款。當您透過本服務進行付款,有關第三方而非我們                                                                       會收集您的個人資料,您亦須遵守該第三方的私隱政策,而非本私隱政策。我們對有關第三方收集、使用及披露您的個人資料並無控制權,亦不會就此承擔任何責任。






300 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022




Colgate-Palmolive (HK) Ltd. Cookie Policy 

We use cookies, and similar technology, on our websites. This notice provides you with information about how we use cookies and how you can control them. 
By using this website (and each website operated by us and our affiliates) you accept the use of cookies (and similar technology) in accordance with this notice. In particular, you accept the use of analytics, advertising and functionality cookies for the purposes described below.
If you do not accept the use of these cookies, please see the section below entitled ‘How to control or delete cookies’ for further instructions.

What is a cookie? 
Cookies are small files of letters and numbers that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognises that cookie. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise a user's device.
Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally improving the user experience. They can also help to ensure that adverts you see online are more relevant to you and your interests.
We use two broad categories of cookies:

  • First party cookies, served directly by us to your computer.
  • Third party cookies, served by a third party on our behalf. We use third party cookies to help us analyse our websites and their use, and to enable tailored advertising (as described below).

How do we use cookies? 
The table below summarises how we and third parties use cookies on our websites.  Those uses include using cookies to:

  • understand the total number of visitors to our sites on an ongoing basis and the types of internet browsers (e.g. Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer) and operating systems (e.g. Windows or Macintosh) used by our visitors;
  • monitor our sites’ performance, including how visitors navigate our websites, and to improve our websites;
  • customise and enhance your online experience; and
  • enable tailored Colgate-Palmolive (HK) Ltd. and third-party advertising both on and off our websites.

What types of cookies do we use? 
The types of cookies used on our websites can be classified into one of four categories, namely 'essential website cookies', 'functionality cookies', 'analytics cookies' and 'advertising cookies'. The following table gives you further information about each category, and the purposes of the cookies we set:

Type of Cookie

What it does

Source and how to block

Essential website cookies

These cookies are essential to enable you to move around our websites and use their features. These cookies don't gather information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you have been on the internet. These cookies are often session-specific, expiring after your visit to the website (session) has ended. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.

Colgate-Palmolive (HK) Ltd.
(first party cookies)

Functionality Cookies

These cookies allow our websites to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language or region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal features. The information these cookies collect may be anonymised and they cannot track your browsing activity on other websites. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.

Colgate-Palmolive (HK) Ltd.]
(first party cookies)

Functionality and advertising Cookies

These cookies are used to deliver some content on our websites using YouTube. Data collected by Google may also be used by Google and its partners for other purposes, including to provide tailored advertising both on and off our websites.

(Privacy policy)

Analytics cookies

These cookies, including cache cookies, are set by Google Analytics, Omniture, and Fabric and are used to collect information about how visitors use our sites, including the number of visitors, the websites that referred them to our websites and the pages that they visited on our websites. We use this information to compile reports and to help us improve our websites, for example, by letting us know if users find any errors and by ensuring that users find what they are looking for easily. Typically these cookies stay on your computer until you delete them.

Google Analytics

Advertising cookies

These cookies are used to collect data about the websites and individual pages that users visit both on and off our websites (which might indicate, for example, your interests and other attributes).  They are typically used to deliver adverts and other marketing communications more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as to help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. They are usually placed by advertising networks with our permission. They stay on your computer unless you delete them and they remember that you have visited a website. They can also show if you arrived at our website through an advertising link. 
This information is shared with other organisations such as advertisers and our contractors, who might use  it with information about how you use other websites, including to identify shared interests and behaviours across groups of users who visit our (and other) websites.

(Privacy policy)
(privacy policy
(Privacy Policy)

Other similar technology
As is the case with many websites, we use technology similar to cookies, including local shared objects (sometimes called ‘flash cookies’), browser history sniffing, browser fingerprinting and pixel tags (sometimes called ‘web beacons’). This gives us and our providers information about how our websites and their content are used by visitors, and allows us to identify whether your computer or device visited our sites or other websites in the past.
Our servers automatically collect your IP address when you visit our websites, and we may associate that with your domain name or that of your internet access provider.  We may also capture certain “clickstream data” relating to your use of our websites.  Clickstream data includes, for example, information about your computer or device, web browser and operating system and their settings, the referring page that linked you to our sites, the pages and content you see or click on during your visit and when and for how long you do so, items you download, the next website you visit when you leave our sites, and any search terms you have entered on our sites or a referral site.

How to control or delete cookies 
You have the right to choose whether or not to accept cookies and we have explained how you can exercise this right below. However, please note that if you choose to refuse cookies you may not be able to use the full functionality of our websites and any communications you receive from us may be less relevant to you than they could have been. Please also understand that if you choose to manage your cookie preferences, our cookie management tool will place a cookie on your device to allow your choices to be honoured. If you delete or remove cookies from your device, you will also remove this preference cookie and you will have to renew your choices.
You can block cookies by using the opt-out links provided in the table above, or by changing your browser settings so that cookies from our websites cannot be placed on your computer or mobile device. In order to do this follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the “Help”, “Tools” or “Edit” facility). Disabling a cookie or category of cookie does not delete the cookie from your browser, you will need to do this yourself from within your browser.
Further information about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, visit

Cookies that have been set in the past 
If you have disabled one or more cookies, we may still use information collected from cookies before your disabled preference was set.  However, we will stop using the disabled cookie to collect any further information.


The Colgate-Palmolive (HK) Ltd. and its world-wide subsidiaries are committed to respecting the privacy of our online visitors. This privacy statement describes what information we collect when you create a Job Profile in the Careers section of our web site, how we use that information, and your choices with respect to our use of such information about.

The Personal Information We Collect and How We Use It 
By 'personal information' we mean names, addresses, email addresses, job experience and history and any other personal information you voluntarily provide about you and your skills and interests that will then be matched against our current job opportunities and requirements. This information will be used to evaluate your qualifications for the desired position and possibly to contact you for further information. Also, at a later time, you may be asked for certain identifying information, which will be used solely for federal and state diversity reporting purposes.

By creating a Job Profile, you acknowledge and agree that the information you submit is complete and correct to the best of your knowledge. Providing false information in the creation of your Job Profile or during the application process will lead to your rejection or termination.

By applying for a job with us via the Careers section of our web site, you authorize us and/or our authorized agents to undertake a background investigation including, but not limited to, a criminal background check, a job reference check, and verification of any information you have provided, and you authorize all corporations, companies, educational institutions, persons, law enforcement agencies, criminal, civil and federal courts, and former employers to release information they may have about you.

Disclosure of Personal Information 
We may share your personal information with vendors or service providers such as companies who help us with database administration. We may also share your personal information with other Colgate-Palmolive companies in other countries where data privacy laws may not be equivalent to those in force in the United States.

In all these cases, however, we will take reasonable steps to help safeguard your personal information. We will only share your information under terms and conditions that obligate recipients to protect the privacy and security of your personal information.

Except as described in this Privacy Statement or as required by law, we will not share your personal information with a third party unless we have your consent or you were notified about this practice when we first collected your personal information.

Sale of Our Brands or Business 
In connection with the sale of one or more of our brands or a part of our business to a different company, we reserve the right to transfer your personal information to a new owner that agrees to offer equivalent safeguards for the use and disclosure of your personal information.

You May Access and Update Personal Information 
At any time you will have the right log in to the system to modify, correct or erase the personal information that you provided to use in your Job Profile or your resume. In the event that you erase your Job Profile or your resume, we will make your Job Profile or resume inactive. However, you understand that we will retain your Job Profile indefinitely for its own record-keeping purposes.

For more detailed information regarding our online privacy practices, please see our Legal Statement and Privacy Policy. If you have any questions regarding our use of your personal information, you may do so by sending an email to EMAIL COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CONSUMER AFFAIRS.


We care about the privacy of children. We recognize that children's use of the Internet and E-mail raise special concerns regarding privacy and security of information.

It is our intention to adhere to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and its rules on collecting personal information from minors. We remind and encourage all parents to check and monitor their children's online activities. Help us protect the privacy of your children by ensuring that they never send E-mail or submit personal information on this site or any other without your permission.

We do not condition a child's participation in an activity on the child's disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in that activity. We do not share your children's personal information with third parties.

Parents have the right to review and have deleted any personally identifiable information we have collected from their children, and refuse to permit further collection of that information. To start this process, please send an E-mail to EMAIL COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CONSUMER AFFAIRS.

Your children can enjoy most of the content and activities in our children's areas without supplying any personal information to us at all. For example, the Kids World site at offers interesting facts, games and stories aimed at raising children's awareness of oral health. In addition, provides oral educational materials designed for teachers, parents and kids, and has fun activities for kids. Only a few features collect your child's E-mail address, and then only for the purpose of responding to your child's request or answering your child's question. Once we have responded, we delete your child's E-mail address from our system. For example, our Tooth Fairy asks for your child's E-mail address to send children a special message when they've lost a tooth. This information is used only to respond to the child's request, and no further information is required. The information is captured and stored for twenty-four hours only. Once the Tooth Fairy responds to the child, the information is discarded and cannot be retrieved.

We sometimes solicit or accept submissions from children, some of which may be posted on our sites. Such submissions may only be made offline. If a child or parent wants us to post a photograph or any other personally identifiable information, we require a signed parental permission and release form. When children make submissions to us offline, such as by regular mail, we may choose to retain all of the information they submit to us. Unless we received a signed parental permission form, we screen all offline submissions before they are posted, and strip out any personal information they may contain.

As more fully described above, we use "cookie" technology, where our servers deposit special codes on a visitor's computer. This information is used to enhance your on-line visits. Under no circumstances do we use this information to personally identify visitors or cross-reference the information with any type of personal information that is voluntarily offered on or through the site.

For your children's enjoyment, we also link to other sites. We are not responsible for those other sites, and we advise you to check their privacy policies as well.

For additional information about our children's privacy practices, please contact Ms. Nadine Flynn, Colgate-Palmolive (HK) Ltd., 300 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10022, 1-800-468-6502, EMAIL COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CONSUMER AFFAIRS.